
Adult Pottery Classes for 2024

Pottery Classes in Hampshire! All classes run from my home in Colden Common

Mondays 15, 22 January & 5 February 8-9.30pm – A class specifically for people who have attended at least  three of my classes before and want to be a bit more experimental! (3 week class £70)

Mondays 19, 26 February and 11 March 8-9.30pm –Mixed ability slab building course. Great for beginners or for people who have done my classes before and want to develop their skills further: you could make a dish, plate, plaque, mug, vase, tealight house, box……. you choose and I’ll help you!!!  (3 week class £70)

Mondays 15 & 22 April and 13 May 8-9.30pm –Mixed ability slab building course. Great for beginners or for people who have done my classes before and want to develop their skills further: you could make a dish, plate, plaque, mug, vase, tealight house, box……. you choose and I’ll help you!!!  (3 week class £70)

Mondays 16 & 23 September and 7 October 8-9.30pm –Mixed ability slab building course. Great for beginners or for people who have done my classes before and want to develop their skills further: you could make a dish, plate, plaque, mug, vase, tealight house, box……. you choose and I’ll help you!!!  (3 week class £70)

Mondays 21 October and 4 November 8-9.30pm – Christmas Decorations (2 week course £55)

I can also run bespoke classes for small groups, please contact me for more details.

Equipment, materials and kiln firings are included for all courses.

There are 6 places available on each course and they take place in a friendly and relaxed environment around my kitchen table. The classes are suitable for beginners and also those who already have some pottery experience. If you have attended a class before, we can build on the skills you have learnt so far to create some different shaped items or items with more component parts.

Please email to book a place

On all the courses, we will be working with rolled out slabs of clay and I will show you how to add texture to the clay using natural materials, fabrics, lace and stamps.

With the three week courses, the first two weeks will be spent making your items and I will then bisque fire your work. You will paint your items with glazes in the third week and I will then fire your work for a second time (with the two week courses you will make your items in the first week and glaze them in the second week). Your items will be ready to collect approximately 2-3 weeks later.

The number of items you make on each course is dependant on the complexity of the item. Dishes and decorations are much quicker to make than jugs/vases! As a rough guide for a beginner, on a three week course, you should be able to create a mug/vessel plus 1-2 additional smaller items, or a selection of dishes/plates/coasters. Items like a wall plaque or a box/house take longer to create as there is often more detail and/or components.

Click here for some photos of work created at my adult pottery classes.